# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- __author__ = 'shellbye.com@gmail.com' import urllib import urllib2 API_KEY = "your api key " # get it from here http://developers.douban.com/apikey/ SECRET = "your secret" # get it from here http://developers.douban.com/apikey/ GET_CODE_URL = "https://www.douban.com/service/auth2/auth" GET_TOKEN_URL = "https://www.douban.com/service/auth2/token" CODE_REDIRECT_URL = "" TOKEN_REDIRECT_URL = "" RESPONSE_TYPE_CHOICE_TOKEN = "token" RESPONSE_TYPE_CHOICE_CODE = "code" GRANT_TYPE = "authorization_code" def authorization_code(): params = { "client_id": API_KEY, "redirect_uri": CODE_REDIRECT_URL, "response_type": RESPONSE_TYPE_CHOICE_CODE, } encode_params = urllib.urlencode(params) print GET_CODE_URL + "?" + encode_params def get_the_code(url): temp = url.split("code=") return temp[1] def access_token(code): params = { "client_id": API_KEY, "client_secret": SECRET, "redirect_uri": TOKEN_REDIRECT_URL, "grant_type": GRANT_TYPE, "code": code, } encode_params = urllib.urlencode(params) result = urllib2.urlopen(GET_TOKEN_URL, encode_params).read() result = result.rstrip('}').lstrip('{') pairs = result.split(",") token = pairs[0].split(":")[1][1:-1] print "The token is: " + token return token def use_token(token): douban_request = urllib2.Request("https://api.douban.com/v2/user/~me") douban_request.add_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token) response = urllib2.urlopen(douban_request).read() print response if __name__ == '__main__': try: print "" print "Click the url below and copy the response url into your clipboard:" authorization_code() url = raw_input("Paste the url(it may seems like: '" "/?code=fc2ae3267ee3a95f') you just copied here:") code = get_the_code(url) print "" token = access_token(code) print "" print "Here is the user info:" use_token(token) except Exception, e: print "Some error occurred, see below for details." print e